A Tale of Two Presidents

Yesterday was Presidents’ Day, and, while the day is designed to honor the legacies of all U.S. presidents, the date was chosen for its proximity to the birthdays of two particularly influential presidents: George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

The League of Southeastern Credit Union & Affiliates (LSCU & Affiliates) also has two presidents who play a particularly important role in the credit union space: Samantha Beeler and Steve Willis. Samantha leads the Association side of the house, while Steve leads LEVERAGE and its subcompanies.

“I’m honored to lead a phenomenal team at LSCU in serving our credit unions in impactful and innovative ways,” said Samantha Beeler. “From our unifying advocacy efforts on your behalf to our record-setting signature events to the timely insights our communications team offers and so much more, I am proud to work with such a great group of professionals to represent, inform, and serve you. Of course, we’re only one part of the LSCU & Affiliates equation, and the contributions that Steve and his team make to streamlining operations and opening opportunities for credit unions throughout our footprint and beyond cannot be understated.”

LEVERAGE and our subcompanies and partners are tremendous assets to our credit union clients, enabling you to cut through regulatory red tape and operational headaches so you can focus on what’s most important: serving your members,” said Steve Willis. “From ATM and core management to payment solutions and benefits packages to vendor management and AI-enhanced customer service solutions and beyond, our suite of credit union offerings is diverse, robust, and ever-growing.”

While we don’t want to downplay how important George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were to our nation’s history, especially right around their birthdays, we think it’s clear which duo of presidents has more of a direct impact on today’s credit unions!

Thank you for continuing to allow us to serve you in advancing the credit union mission!

Written by
Lizeth George
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About Us

The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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