Samantha Beeler, Caroline Willard Appointed to Credit Union House Board

Two new board directors were recently appointed to the Credit Union House (CU House) board: Samantha Beeler, President of the League of Southeastern Credit Unions (LSCU) and Caroline Williard, President and CEO of the Cornerstone League. Their terms will expire at the next Credit Union House annual meeting in March 2025.

“I am honored to join the Credit Union House Board and to work alongside such a dedicated group of industry leaders,” said Samantha Beeler, President of the League of Southeastern Credit Unions. “At a time when public policy is evolving, it is crucial that we effectively communicate the significant and positive impact credit unions have in communities across the country in our Nation’s Capital. I look forward to the important work ahead of modernizing the credit union house for a new era of Advocacy.”

“We deeply appreciate Caroline and Samantha’s commitment to serve on the Credit Union House Board,” said CU House Board Chair and GoWest President and CEO Troy Stang. “They join us at an exciting time as we reimagine how this space tells our story in the new public policy environment. This Board will help to accomplish the vision that, when elected officials visit, they immediately see the revolutionary impact credit unions are making in their communities across the nation.”

Stang added, “We also extend our thanks to Diana Dykstra, former President and CEO of the California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues, for her service on the CU House board. We wish her well as she enters retirement. CU House will always be a ‘home away from home’ for Diana whenever she is in Washington, D.C.”

The Credit Union House board members are:

  • Troy Stang, President and CEO, GoWest Credit Union Association, Chair
  • Patrick Conway, President and CEO, CrossState Credit Union Association, Vice Chair
  • Patty Corkery, President and CEO, Michigan Credit Union League, Treasurer
  • Caroline Willard, President and CEO of Cornerstone League, Secretary
  • Samantha Beeler, President, League of Southeastern Credit Unions, Director
  • Jim Nussle, President and CEO, America’s Credit Unions, President (Ex-officio)
Written by
Lizeth George
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The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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