Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), the sponsor of the Credit Card Competition Act and the author of the original Durbin Amendment, is requesting a floor vote this month on credit card interchange legislation. Senator Durbin is looking to get this legislation attached to either the National Defense Authorization Act or an appropriations package – both of which must pass before the end of the year. At this time, we need credit unions across Alabama, Florida, and Georgia to engage Congressional offices to ensure this legislation is completely off the table for consideration. If your credit union has not already made contact through the Grassroots Action Center, we ask that you and your teams please take a moment to contact your federal elected officials to ensure they are fully aware of credit union opposition to interchange legislation. The message is preloaded and can be edited however you prefer, making it quick and easy. You can sign up for CUNA’s Member Activation Program to send similar messages to your team or membership here.
Hearing from you directly in the district makes the most significant impact when advocating to offices, and we appreciate your engagement in the legislative process.
Please contact Grace Newcombe with any questions.