Alabama and Florida have record year in state and federal PAC fundraising

Birmingham/Tallahassee – Jan. 7, 2014 – The League of Southeastern Credit Unions and Affiliates (LSCU) had a record breaking year for its state and federal political action committees (PAC). For the first time in five years, Alabama and Florida credit unions wholesale NFL jerseys reached 100 percent of their state and federal PAC repairs goals, […]

LSCU-&-AffiliatesBirmingham/Tallahassee – Jan. 7, 2014 – The League of Southeastern Credit Unions and Affiliates (LSCU) had a record breaking year for its state and federal political action committees (PAC). For the first time in five years, Alabama and Florida credit unions wholesale NFL jerseys reached 100 percent of their state and federal PAC repairs goals, which in are set by Wohnen the Credit Union National Association (CUNA). Since 2011, both states have seen a steady increase in credit unions participating and the amount of money raised on the state and federal level.

This wholesale MLB jerseys is the second year in a row that credit unions in Alabama have reached more than 100 percent of their PAC goal. The Alabama State ACULAC raised $64,173 which is 128 percent of the goal, while the Alabama FedPAC raised $58,099 which is 106 percent of the goal. For the first time in five years, credit unions in Florida met their PAC goals. The Florida State CUPAC raised $289,877 which is 101 cheap MLB jerseys percent of the goal, while the Florida FedPAC raised $128,377 which is 102 percent of the goal.

“It’s imperative that credit unions have a robust PAC,” said LSCU President/CEO Patrick La Pine. “Not only does a strong PAC help promote a favorable environment for credit unions, it brings wholesale MLB jerseys a source of creditability with lawmakers. The League and credit unions are becoming a go-to voice on legislation that effects financial Bank institutions.”

The League also supported the CUNA/AACUL National Advocacy Fund by contributing 100 Jubil?um percent of its goal Car ($154,000) through corporate contributions, not PAC money.

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The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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