Advocacy text is on blue paper with black ball-point pen aside.

CUNA and League partners continue to be an advocacy powerhouse

The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates (LSCU) along with CUNA and other League partners are being recognized as the dominant financial service organization on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. But that’s not all, CUNA and League partners are being recognized as one of the Top 10 most influential and effective advocacy organizations in the nation’s capital. This recognition comes from an independent study conducted by Ballast Research. This is the fifth consecutive year CUNA and associated Leagues have been recognized for these distinctions.

“Great advocacy doesn’t happen by accident. Along with CUNA, we have been very calculated in our efforts. Often, the best way to make strides in D.C. is to not go it alone. One voice could make a difference but with hundreds, and in many cases thousands, like CUNA has managed, we can accomplish even more for credit unions nationwide,” says LSCU CEO Patrick La Pine.

“Being recognized this way is especially salient this year, as we’ve all been battling the impacts of COVID-19. It’s indicative that CUNA and the LSCU never take a break. We consistently stay in contact with Washington, D.C. and not only during active sessions,” explains LSCU President Jared Ross. “Advocacy efforts must be year-round, to be successful, to make sure lawmakers answer our calls and take our meeting requests, even if they have to be virtual due to uncommon circumstances.”

“The CUNA-League system is as strong as it’s ever been and we are proud to share this moment with the 120 million credit union voices across the nation,” said CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle. “With competition for awareness on Capitol Hill so fierce during this unparalleled time, that Members of Congress hold us in such is a major accomplishment. As an influential and effective source of information for policymakers, they welcome our calls and visits, and take us at our word as we endeavor to educate and fight for credit union priorities on Capitol Hill.”

Directly from CUNA, key findings of the study include:

  • The CUNA-League system was #1 in representing the views of credit unions among organizations studied.
  • The CUNA-League system’s reputation was rated #1 in the financial services industry and #5 overall against other prominent associations by Washington’s Senior Policymakers.
  • The CUNA-League system gained significant strides for respect as an organization in the public debate field, proving our marketing and strategic communications as successful.
  • The CUNA-League system outperforms its peers in the financial services industry in all areas of advocacy, including:

– Activating members and state Leagues to directly engage policymakers,

– Contributing accurate and reliable research & data for policy conversations,

– Consistently and effectively communicating with Washington policymakers,

– Having strong engagement from executives,

– Building credible partnerships, and more.

  • The CUNA-League system is uniquely bipartisan, scoring well above the average of other prominent associations with both Republicans and Democrats.

According to the Ballast study, one policy advisor serving in the U.S. Senate noted: “CUNA has a competitive advantage in showcasing local voices. They have more civic engagement, they have more members, they try to do more in the community.”

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The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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