Every U.S.Senator received a letter from 14 trade associations, including CUNA, asking for their support of S. 754, the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act.
The letter, which was also sent to Senate leadership praising their efforts, asks senators to get the bill to the Senate floor and passed. The letter states that, “Today, the laws related to sharing information about cyber threats are unclear, confusing and uncoordinated. Enactment of CISA would be a significant step forward toward clarifying what is permissible and what is not and ensuring that the government and the private sector work more closely together to mitigate cyber threats.”
The trade associations write that they support moving the legislation forward for a different point of view on cybersecurity. The letter states that, “CISA would help to establish clear lines of communication between the private sector and various government agencies responsible for Cybersecurity and would establish a more open dialogue about emerging, imminent, and high risk cyber threats.”
In the letter, the group asks for senators to get the bill to the floor as soon as possible.