Some issues remain constant on the LSCU advocacy forefront, such as maintaining the credit union tax exemption and fighting for additional data security standards for merchants and retailers. At the same time, the league keeps a close watch on activity pertaining to credit union issues in both Montgomery and Tallahassee.
Watch your state update on the links below from LSCU’s Jared Ross, senior VP, sssociation services and governmental affairs to get the latest perspective on what the top priorities are this legislative season.
During the first quarter we have three important events for your credit union to participate in – the CUNA GAC, March 10-14 in Washington, D.C., the Alabama Advocacy Conference, March 19-20 in Montgomery, and the Florida Advocacy Conference, March 26-27 in Tallahassee. Register today, and we look forward to working with you this year to advocate for the credit union movement.