A US flag hanging at the corridor ceiling of US Capitol corridor ceiling, Interior, Washington DC.

LSCU State Advocacy Conferences help CUs reach representatives

Credit unions will have opportunities to make an impact at both the state and national levels through the LSCU’s State Advocacy Conferences. Make plans to attend your state advocacy conference to personally reach lawmakers and educate them about credit unions. The tri-state conferences begin with the Georgia State Governmental Affairs Conference tomorrow, Jan 28.

The Florida State Advocacy Conference will be held Feb. 11-12, followed by the Alabama State Advocacy Conference on March 3-4. Credit union leaders have found their time at the conferences invaluable.

“The State Advocacy Conference is one of the most valuable conferences we attend,” said Tyler Beck, COO of Five Star Credit Union. “It has improved our understanding of the issues at the state level and has significantly improved our relationships with our local representatives.  We have relationships with our representatives that we would not have if we had not been attending the annual State Advocacy Conference. “

According to Mike Akers, president and CEO, Flag Credit Union, “The State Advocacy Conference is one of the most important events credit union professionals can participate in! Meeting with law makers gives us an opportunity to share the impact our credit unions are making in our community, and we get to learn about upcoming issues that may impact our members. New laws and regulations are going to happen – we have an obligation to be there helping to educate those elected to make decisions that impact our ability to serve our members.”

The State Advocacy Conferences feature time to interact with state lawmakers, receive updates on legislative and regulatory issues and hear governmental insights from speakers. Register today.

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The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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