Only Three Days Left to Meet Your LSCU PAC Goal

For credit unions to remain the best financial choice for our members, it is imperative we have a strong voice in our three-state footprint and Washington, D.C. We do this through legislative advocacy and grassroots outreach, in tandem with Political Action Committee (PAC) contributions.

Credit unions fared very well in the 2022 elections with 99% of LSCU-supported candidates winning during the Alabama elections, 96% of LSCU-supported candidates winning during the Florida elections, and 95% of LSCU-supported candidates winning during the Georgia elections. However, we must keep up the momentum and finish the fundraising year strong so we can continue to support credit union friendly elected officials into the next term. LSCU PACs allow credit unions to remain politically relevant so our Advocacy Team can continue to lobby on your behalf for important legislative priorities. Some of these priorities include credit card interchange on the federal level and financial literacy on the state level. We have had great momentum on these issues this past year because of our close relationship with elected officials. We need well-funded PACs to continue these advocacy victories!

To meet your credit union’s state PAC goal, you can send in a corporate contribution from your credit union or include your goal with your LSCU dues. This is the most efficient method of reaching your credit union’s state goal.

Enrolling your credit union in our payroll deduction program is the easiest way to reach your credit union’s federal goal. If you are already enrolled, please remember to send in any remaining payroll deduction amounts before the end of the year! You can also make a personal contribution counting towards your federal goal online by clicking here or directly from LSCU’s website. Your contributions will go a long way to secure a bright future for credit unions!

Thank you in advance for your generosity and willingness to support our industry’s future. If you have any questions on your credit union’s PAC goals or how you can work to meet them, contact Murphy Kennedy.

Written by
Lizeth George
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About Us

The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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