President’s Point – January 28, 2019

The LSCU’s final 2018 political action fundraising (PAC) numbers are in, and the results are strong with both Alabama and Florida exceeding their PAC fundraising goals. Alabama’s FedPAC accrued $71,945, and the Alabama ACULAC (state PAC), which includes funds for CU Vote Defense, raised $81,810 bringing the overall total for Alabama to $153,755 – almost […]

The LSCU’s final 2018 political action fundraising (PAC) numbers are in, and the results are strong with both Alabama and Florida exceeding their PAC fundraising goals. Alabama’s FedPAC accrued $71,945, and the Alabama ACULAC (state PAC), which includes funds for CU Vote Defense, raised $81,810 bringing the overall total for Alabama to $153,755 – almost $2,000 above our goal for the year.

Florida’s contributions were equally successful with FedPAC raising $115,769, while Florida CUPAC (state PAC), including the CU Vote Defense, raised $310,272 for a total from both states of more than $426,000.

These numbers are impressive, and we appreciate the role you played in helping us achieve these objectives. The work that we do collectively to raise these funds provides access to candidates and lawmakers, so we can ensure they have a good understanding of the credit union difference and helps us drive support for favorable credit union legislation.

With 2019 underway, we want to build on the momentum from these financial contributions with boots on the ground.  This year the League is putting more of an emphasis on our Grassroots Advocacy Program (GAP) with the goal of increasing participation among our credit unions in key activities.  During the first quarter we have three important events we need to see your credit union represented at – the CUNA GAC, March 10-14 in Washington, D.C., the Alabama Advocacy Conference, March 19-20 in Montgomery, and the Florida Advocacy Conference, March 26-27 in Tallahassee.

The League is only the tip of the spear in our grassroots lobbying efforts.  Lawmakers want to see constituents, not just your League lobbyists.  The LSCU looks forward to continuing to be your trusted advocate and to having you at our side in perfecting change for our industry. There is still plenty of time to sign up for CUNA GAC and our State Advocacy Conferences. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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About Us

The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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