Don’t forget to register for the 2020 Alabama Advocacy Conference on Tuesday, March 3, and Wednesday, March 4, at the Renaissance Hotel & Spa in Montgomery. Be sure to reserve your room as soon as possible as the block will be closing on Friday, Feb. 7. This conference will be full of valuable advocacy and regulatory information with opportunities for everyone at your credit union – not just the CEO – to build relationships with lawmakers.
Conference attendees will hear from speakers such as former Lt. Governor and LSCU contract lobbyist Steve Windom, Yellowhammer Media Editor Sean Ross, CUNA’s Trey Hawkins, regulators from the NCUA and ACUA, and former Congressman and current Chief of Staff to Gov. Kay Ivey, Jo Bonner. Attendees also will meet local legislators at the lawmaker reception hosted by Alabama State Employees (ASE) Credit Union near the State House. The connections made at this conference are essential to the credit union industry.
“The State Advocacy Conference is an essential conference to attend for myself and credit union leadership throughout the state,” said Ola Anise, president/CEO of Azalea City Credit Union. “The conference provides attendees with up-to-date legislative issues facing our industry and how collectively, with our legislators, we can move forward our industry agenda to benefit our members legislatively. The State Advocacy Conference allows us to further engage our legislators in an environment that is conducive for positive, enlightening conversation, yielding a positive understanding of how ideas or changes legislatively impact our credit union industry, and especially our members, their constituents, locally.”
Click here for more information or to register. To reserve a room at the Renaissance Montgomery, click here. Thank you for being an advocate for credit unions, and we look forward to seeing you in Montgomery.
The Florida State Advocacy Conference will be held Feb. 11-12. Florida CU professionals should register today.