The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates (LSCU) is excited to return to in-person Advocacy after more than a year! We invite you to join the us for our annual Fall Hike the Hill in Washington, D.C. on September 28-29, 2021. Credit Union advocates from Alabama, Florida, and Georgia will attend meetings with lawmakers to discuss key industry issues. Participants will also have an opportunity to meet with regulators and enjoy a networking reception at Credit Union House. To register and book your hotel for Hike the Hill please visit our website here.
The LSCU Advocacy team encourages all credit unions to participate in these important meetings with lawmakers and their staff. Hearing the credit union story directly from you, face to face is powerful. As we continue to face attacks from the Bankers, see issues with data privacy and security grow and face renewed calls for interchange reform, showing up on Capitol Hill has never been more important
The tentative agenda, hotel and registration information can be found here.
Any questions about this event, please contact