Your Donation could help create more Local Champions for the Children’s Miracle Network

One great component of the annual Silent Auction benefiting LSCU FedPAC at SCUCE is a generous charitable match by LEVERAGE to the Children’s Miracle Network. To shed a little light on the great work that the CMN is doing, Insight will feature local champions.

Meet Chandler Shaw, a 2021 Local Champion with the Children’s Miracle Network.

After his mom, Tammy was diagnosed with preeclampsia, Chandler was born at 27 weeks gestation, weighing just one pound, seven ounces; he fit in the palm of his mother’s hand. He spent his first few months of life in the NICU at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in Albany, Ga., with visits from respiratory therapists, pharmacists, doctors, nurses and more. At times, he required a feeding tube, oxygen therapy and rounds of specialized testing.

Tammy remembers his milestones during those early months well, as she spent every day there: like the first time she got to hold Chandler, give him a bath, and when he was finally able to breastfeed.

“Each person in the NICU was Chandler’s guardian angel,” she said. “I am forever grateful that they cared for my child as if he was their own.” When Chandler was discharged, he weighed nearly four pounds. He underwent two additional surgeries before the age of one and has ADHD, asthma, and a bicuspid aortic valve. Today, Chandler is an active, outgoing eight-year-old, who loves to play sports and make friends everywhere he goes.

How are funds used to help Chandler?

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Ⓡ funded specialized equipment that allowed Chandler to grow and thrive in the NICU, including the Giraffe Bed that helped him gain weight and get stronger. His mother, Tammy said: “I am so thankful for all Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.”

To donate an item, make a monetary contribution toward an item, or receive more information on the Silent Auction, please visit  or contact Blake Westbrook at 866.231.0545 x2164 or Murphy Kennedy at 866.231.0545 x1806.

Written by
Ann Naiman
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