Is your credit union looking for new ways to reach the community through increased engagement, partnering with community agencies, and financial education? Be sure to check out the “CU Tools” page under the Southeastern Credit Union Foundation tab...
Credit-monitoring giant Equifax is being required to pay for alleged negligence in protecting consumer data. This week, Equifax agreed to pay at least $575 million, and potentially up to $700 million, as part of a global settlement with the Federal...
The LSCU Young Professional Group (YPG) is actively searching for credit union professionals under the age of 40 to make a positive impact in the credit union movement through networking, mentorships, and collective action. The YPG offers...
Register here for the 51st annual SCUMA Conference, which provides the opportunity to network with a variety of staff from small to large credit unions. This year’s conference will be held at the Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa in...
According to a a recent “Planning & Progress Study” examining financial perspectives of young people, the last 10 years have seen significant changes in attitudes toward money and risk. The annual research study from Northwestern...
The CUNA Marketing & Business Development Council Diamond Awards entry portal is open now for credit unions to submit nominations to recognize and reward creative excellence and outstanding results. With 35 categories, more than 1,200 entries...
By Steve Heusuk Senior manager of customer intelligence for CUNA Mutual Group Leading consulting firms, such as Forrester and Bain & Co., have long maintained emotions are key in shaping customer experience (CX) perceptions. Bain reports...
This week in Washington, several matters of interest to credit unions will be in hearings. Also, the House of Representatives may vote on a possible deal to raise the budget caps and the debt limit. In addition, the House has scheduled votes on H.R...
The LSCU recently sent a ten question, two minute member survey via email to our credit union leaders and has extended the deadline for response to Aug. 2 to give CEOs additional time to respond. We realize your schedule is busy, but ask that you...
When a member who receives Federal government benefits into their credit union account through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) dies, the Federal government will send a Notice of Reclamation to recover all benefit payments that were made since the...