Coca-Cola Credit Union Executive Assistant Launches ‘Crocs for Kids’ Initiative to Support Hospitalized Children

Glennisia Isaac, Executive Assistant at Coca-Cola Credit Union in Atlanta, Georgia, was deeply inspired by a personal experience to create an initiative aimed at bringing comfort to hospitalized children. After her daughter designed a special pair of Crocs during her time at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta’s Camp Crescent Moon—a camp dedicated to children with sickle cell disease—Glennisia saw an opportunity to give back.

Her “Crocs for Kids” initiative was born out of a desire to offer comfort and safety to children who are hospitalized for extended periods. The idea centers around providing each child with a pair of Crocs, allowing them to not only enjoy the comfort of the footwear but also personalize it in a way that brings them a sense of control and individuality during a challenging time.

Glennisia shared the heartfelt motivation behind the project, stating, “It’s not just about the footwear; it’s about giving these brave kids a slice of normalcy and personal choice in an environment where so much is out of their control.”

Through her initiative, Glennisia hopes to provide children with more than just a pair of shoes. It’s a gesture of care and empowerment, offering them a bit of joy and normalcy when they need it most.

Written by
Lizeth George
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