Congratulations to Shannon Duran, President of Guardians Credit Union, on her confirmation to the CULAC Board of Trustees! She was confirmed along with Joann Bisson of Oxford Federal Credit Union (ME) and David Woodruff of APL Federal Credit Union (MD) by the Executive Committee. CULAC, CUNA’s registered PAC, works to elect credit-union friendly candidates to office. Our trustees are instrumental in helping raise money and supporting candidates to advance the credit union mission.
The LSCU would like to thank Shannon Duran and our whole CULAC Board of Trustees for your service and dedication to the political future of the credit union industry. In addition to Shannon, LSCU is proud to be represented by Brad Green of Listerhill Credit Union (AL) and Robert Youngblood of Georgia’s Own Credit Union (GA).
Consider a contribution to LSCU FedPAC/CULAC today to assist in this mission. When you contribute, you are making an investment in the future of your credit union and every credit union across the country. Thank you for your support of LSCU Advocacy and congratulations to Shannon Duran!