Have you registered for SCUCE 2024 yet? If not, you’ll want to register now so you get the chance to experience the exciting lineup of breakout speakers we have in store. This is just a taste of what’s to come!
Supervisory Committee Breakout:
Balancing the Right Internal and External Controls
Thursday, June 13 | 11:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
In such challenging times, it’s smart to use industry expertise to maintain strong controls. This session will cover the difference between being proactive and reactive regarding protecting your credit union with internal and external controls.
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Stacie VanDenBerghe has been working in the credit union industry for over 20 years. She has worked with Boards, CEOs, Executive Management, and front-line team members of credit unions in both large and small credit unions. Before starting her own consulting company, CU Innovate, in 2016, Stacie spent five years at the Michigan Credit Union League as the Director of Consulting Services.
As a consultant and public speaker, Stacie works with directors and executive teams on board education and strategic planning. She is well-versed in executive and management development and spends her time speaking at conferences throughout the U.S. and internationally. From the boards to the front lines, Stacie has experience getting credit unions to improve team member engagement and profitability. |
Trends and Opportunities in the Deposits Landscape
Thursday, June 13 | 11:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
In the rapidly evolving and ever-changing financial environment, staying ahead of the curve is paramount for brands looking to gain a competitive edge and drive growth through deposits. In this session, we will explore the marketing trends, innovations, and opportunities taking the deposit landscape by storm—with a special emphasis on standout tactics in the southeastern region. From offer strategies to marketing channel opportunities, you will walk away with a deeper understanding of how to differentiate your brand, products, and services from your competition in the year ahead.
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Nicole Bond is Mintel Comperemedia’s Associate Director of Marketing Strategy, where she advises Fortune 500 companies in Financial Services, Insurance, and Telecommunications on compelling approaches to channel activation and audience engagement. She is an expert at unveiling consumer-centric motivations and data-forward marketing approaches, specializing in omnichannel activation. Nicole joined Mintel in 2020, after earning a Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communications from Northwestern University. |
How to Leverage ChatGPT to Raise More Deposits and Fund Loans Quicker?
Thursday, June 13 | 10:30 – 11:15 a.m.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a hot topic in technology, science, and even pop culture, and ChatGPT is the fastest-growing company ever.
Learn how ChatGPT can assist credit unions in raising more deposits by engaging with members, addressing their inquiries, and offering tailored recommendations. Moreover, ChatGPT can significantly speed up the loan-funding process for credit unions. Members can chat with the AI system to inquire about loan eligibility criteria, the application process and status, and the required documentation.
When applied cleverly, ChatGPT’s capabilities will blow your mind…and deposits growth!
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Nicholas Hinrichsen, Stanford MBA and FinTech entrepreneur, sold his last company to Carvana.com in 2017. After staying with the digital car retailer for three years, Nicholas and his business partner, Chris Coleman, left to start Clutch.
Clutch uses AI and hundreds of API integrations to build state-of-the-art Point of Sale software applications that turn recapture on autopilot. With $41M in Venture Capital funding from Andreessen Horowitz, CMFG Ventures, and Curql, amongst others, Nicholas and his co-founders turn credit unions into FinTechs and help the non-profits dominate consumer lending. |
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