Get real with your lending at LSCU’s Virtual Lending School

The LSCU will offer two courses of the Virtual Lending School this fall, Oct. 7 and Oct. 20. The courses will be led by Don Arkell, senior consultant of CU Lending Advice. Each session will consist of a sales training course during the first half of the day with a break for lunch, followed by an underwriting course to conclude the second half of the day.

Each course (sales and underwriting) on each day is limited to 30 registrants. The training information from Oct. 7 will be repeated on Oct. 20 to offer two date options.

For the Sales Training Course from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ET, the cost is $195 per person.

Topics include:

  • What Must Happen on Every Call
  • What a Good Notes Page Looks Like
  • Closing with the Relationship in Mind
  • Appropriate Cross-Sell Methods
  • Building Confidence over the Phone and Online
  • How to Take a Risk-Based Loan Application
  • Reducing Risk through the Loan Interview
  • Selling Ancillary Products
  • Asking for Cash Down
  • Building a Performing Loan

For the Underwriting Training Course from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. ET, the cost is $195 per person.

Topics include:

  • Principles of Successful Loan Decision Making
  • Bankruptcy Predictors
  • Lending on Old Collateral
  • FICO – What We Know From the Score
  • Loan Amount Guidelines
  • Total and Unsecured Debt Ratio Analysis
  • Lending to Young Borrowers
  • Lending to Self-Employed Members
  • The Proper use of Co-Signers
  • Real Risk Factors vs. Not-so-Real Risk Factors
  • Underwriting Higher-Risk Loans
  • The Underwriting Approaches Needed for Higher-Risk Loans
  • Principles of Successful Loan Decision Making
  • Debt Consolidation Loans
  • RV Lending

Attend Both Courses ($380 per person)

Space is Limited! Register Now!

Oct 7 –

Oct 20 –


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The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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