SCUCE 2017 over the top

Day 2 of SCUCE 2017 was packed to the brim with networking opportunities and valuable information to put right into practice. The opening general session offered an inspiring message from Google’s own Loren Hudziak on how to bring innovation and excellence into our daily member experiences. Loren shared keys to staying on the cutting edge […]

Day 2 of SCUCE 2017 was packed to the brim with networking opportunities and valuable information to put right into practice. The opening general session offered an inspiring message from Google’s own Loren Hudziak on how to bring innovation and excellence into our daily member experiences. Loren shared keys to staying on the cutting edge of member service and provided statistics on consumer behavior, which were highly relevant to credit union leaders of today. Consumers look at their phones on average 150 times per day, and one in five searches using mobile phones are conducted by a consumer looking for a nearby product or service. Those were a  few points that he emphasized credit unions should be talking about regarding member experience.

Meagan Johnson followed Hudziak and presented fascinating insight on the many generations in today’s workforce, why we have conflict, and the fact that we are not much different overall.  One major step toward working together in such diverse environments is to understand the “sign posts” for each generation and why certain things are more important to each group than others are. Attendees learned that conflict occurs because of different expectations and discovered productive ways to navigate through this both at work and home.

During the day, the first group of the LSCU awards was presented, which included the Young Professional of the Year, awarded to Megan Jackson from CFE FCU, and the Professional of the Year Award given to Jeanette Keller, president/CEO of Blue Flame Credit Union. Credit Union of the Year Awards presented in the Annual Business Meeting included: CU of the Year under 100M, TMH FCU; CU of the Year 100-500M, Keys FCU; and CU of the Year over 500M, America’s First FCU.

There was still much in store for attendees throughout the day. The Advocacy Luncheon was sold out with a great update from Chris Stirewalt from Fox News on the climate in D.C. Break-out sessions included topics such as Keys to Redefining Your Credit Union’s Culture, Creativity, Generations in the Workplace, and a Regulatory Roundtable and were all engaging with positive comments from participants.

The highlight of the evening was the First Annual Cornhole Tournament sponsored by Corporate One to benefit the literacy initiatives of the SECUF. A packed house of all ages enjoyed the competition, food, fun and networking and proved to be a great success. Thank you for everyone’s support – this probably will be the first of many more! More awards, fabulous speakers and sessions, and the Silent Auction are scheduled for today, so more to come!

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The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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