Interested in engaging with your local schools or your youth members? Check out the Books Make Cent$ program, created by the Southeastern Credit Union Foundation (SECUF), for an interactive way to introduce students to credit unions and basic financial concepts, all while building relationships with schools and community partners. The Books Make Cent$ program provides book recommendations for preschool, elementary, and middle school levels. In addition to providing these financial-related books, we will also include lesson plans, found here, to pair with each book, making this an optimal student engagement opportunity.
When ordering your copies of the books, don’t forget to use Amazon Smile and select the Southeastern Credit Union Foundation as your charity of choice. Using the link is no extra cost to you, and Amazon Smile donates a percentage of your purchase to the Southeastern Credit Union Foundation.
If you would like more information or assistance in engaging with your school system please email Carrie Litherland, Foundation Coordinator, at