Make your financial education count

Is your credit union out in the schools, youth agencies, and communities spreading financial education? Do you hold financial workshops or reality fairs that involve kids and/or young adults (through age 22)? Did you coach kids for the Financial Fitness Tournament? We want to make sure that our Alabama and Florida credit unions are represented […]

Is your credit union out in the schools, youth agencies, and communities spreading financial education? Do you hold financial workshops or reality fairs that involve kids and/or young adults (through age 22)? Did you coach kids for the Financial Fitness Tournament? We want to make sure that our Alabama and Florida credit unions are represented at the upcoming National Youth Involvement Board conference.

All of your presentations for youth and young adults should be logged on the National Youth Involvement Board website. Not sure how to log them or don’t have time? Simply email  with the following information:

  1. your credit union name and state
  2. the number of presentations your credit union conducted from July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018
  3. the collective # of students reached. (Example: 10 presentations to classes with an average of 30 students means 300 students were reached.)

All information should be turned in by  noon (ET) Friday, July 6.

You can also view our webinar on the NYIB and how to report by clicking HERE. Just scroll down until you see the video.

The SECUF also is giving two scholarships to attend the NYIB conference, courtesy of Corporate One FCU! Email for details.

 Who can report?

Credit union or league employees and/or volunteers may report qualifying presentations made to groups of 5 or more youth, pre-school to 22 years old.

 What types of presentations qualify?

Any presentation that promotes financial literacy or the credit union movement qualifies. Qualifying presentations can be conducted on these and other consumer and financial topics:

  • Budgeting Careers & Income
  • Checking & Money Management
  • Credit
  • CUs vs Banks
  • Risk Management
  • Saving & Investments
  • Reality Fairs

Why Report?

Aside from showing what our credit unions are doing, collectively as well as individually, the numbers may be used when lobbying for financial education mandates as well as for exemplifying the credit union difference and another important reason that we should retain our tax exempt status. Your numbers make a difference!

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About Us

The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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