People Helping People: SECUF’s Partners and Vendors Unite to Strengthen Communities and Credit Unions

The credit union movement is built on the philosophy of “people helping people,” an idea that emphasizes community, cooperation, and mutual support. At the Southeastern Credit Union Foundation (SECUF), this philosophy is not just a guiding principle but a daily mission. Our work to enrich credit unions and the lives of their employees and members would not be possible without the unwavering support of our system partners and vendors. Their contributions are vital to our success and significantly enhance their reputation among the credit unions they serve.

System partners and vendors who support SECUF do more than just provide financial assistance; they actively participate in a collective effort to uplift communities and foster resilience. This collaboration exemplifies the true spirit of the credit union movement, showcasing a commitment to social responsibility and community betterment. By aligning themselves with SECUF’s initiatives, these partners demonstrate their dedication to the principles that underpin the credit union philosophy.

One tangible example of this support is through Credit Union Loan Source (CULS), which has partnered with SECUF to host the annual CULS Charity Golf Invitational for the past three years. This event has become a cornerstone of our fundraising efforts, drawing in credit union professionals and vendors for a day of camaraderie, competition, and charity. Through this partnership, we have raised a remarkable total of $239,000, directly benefiting SECUF’s various programs.

“Partnering with SECUF has been an incredibly rewarding experience for us at CULS,” CEO of Credit Union Loan Source Bill Moniz states. “The annual Charity Golf Invitational not only allows us to support a great cause but also strengthens our ties with the credit union community. We are proud to contribute to the mission of SECUF and to see the positive impact our support has on credit unions and their members.”

As we look to the future, we invite more system partners and vendors to join us in this noble endeavor. Your support can make a difference, helping us build stronger communities and a brighter future for all.

For more information on supporting the foundation click here. If you’re interested in partnering with SECUF, please email Bobbi Grady, Foundation Executive Director, at

Written by
Lizeth George
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The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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