LEVERAGE has a virtual army of professionals in the Credit Union Audit & Compliance Group (CUACG) team ready to serve your credit union in numerous ways to ensure compliance and give you peace of mind that all of your information is audit-ready. We would like to introduce you to some of these outstanding industry veterans.
Getting to Know Marcus King

Marcus King is vice president of the CUACG team and has been with the group for seven years. A graduate of Freed Hardeman University, Marcus has more than seven years of experience in auditing credit unions.
What’s your favorite hobby? Playing golf
Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled to? Boston
Favorite quote? The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Pet-peeve? Not being on time.
Which celebrity do you look like? In my younger years, people said I looked like Ashton Kutcher several times.
Greatest accomplishment? Passed the CPA Exam
Best advice to credit unions for 2021? Look at every situation you are in as a learning experience. We are never too old to learn something.
Getting to Know Nicole Irwin
Nicole Irwin is the Director of Business Development and Client Relations for the CUACG Team, which she has been part of for four years. She is a

graduate of Austin Peay State University.
What’s your favorite hobby? Playing fetch with my German Shepherds
Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled to? Aruba, with Las Vegas as a close second.
Favorite quote? “May the wind always be on your back and the sun upon your face and may the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars.”
Pet-peeve? Stepping out of the shower with wet feet
Which celebrity do you look like? Years ago, and when I am blonde, people have said I looked like Katherine Heigl, although I never saw that.
Greatest accomplishment? Graduated with my Masters in Accounting
Best advice to credit unions for 2021? Look at 2020 as a positive situation and how much we can actually grow and improve with anything thrown at us. Never give up.
Getting to Know Evan Irwin

Evan Irwin has been a staff auditor for CUACG team for three years. A graduate of Dalton State College, Evan has more than six years of experience in accounting/auditing.
What’s your favorite hobby? Playing golf or Hunting/Fishing
Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled to? Maho Beach, St Maarten
Favorite quote? “Ain’t nothing to it, but to do it” – Ronnie Coleman
Pet-peeve? Organization
Greatest accomplishment? Graduating college
Best advice to credit unions for 2021? Be ever-evolving as we do not know what tomorrow holds.
Getting to Know Nancy Walker
Nancy Walker has been a part-time staff auditor on the CUACG Team for three-and-a-half years. She is a graduate of Trevecca University with a

Bachelor of Arts in Management and Human Relations, Nashville State Technical Institute with an associate’s degree in computer accounting. She also is a Certified Credit Union Executive from the University of Wisconsin/CUNA. Nancy started working at a credit union when she was 16 as an after-school job and managed two credit unions since 1993. She last served as a credit union CEO for 19 years before retiring and beginning her second career as a part-time auditor. Nancy has more than 44 years of experience working with credit unions.
What’s your favorite hobby? Playing with my Grands (seven of them) and reading, exercising
Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled to? Key West
Favorite quote? Robert Frost-The Road Less Traveled
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Pet-peeve? Untidiness
Greatest accomplishment? My career, in the challenges I faced as a woman during the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s and beyond — especially trying to raise my two children and have a career.
Best advice to credit unions for 2021? Never forget you were hired to be a “change agent”
Getting to Know Collin Joiner

Collin Joiner is the West Tennessee Staff Auditor for the CUACG Team, joining CUACG 8 months ago. Collin is a proud graduate of The University of Tennessee at Martin.
What’s your favorite hobby? Hunting and Fishing
Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled to? The duck blind
Favorite quote? The only thing in life that’s guaranteed, there are no guarantees.
Pet-peeve? Having to stop when I am in the middle of something.
Which celebrity do you look like? My girlfriend says I look like Tom Holland.
Greatest accomplishment? Graduating college
Best advice to credit unions for 2021? Be open to new and different ideas.
Getting to Know Amanda Lenhart

Amanda Lenhart has been the Audit & Compliance Support Specialist for the CUACG Team for three years. She has worked in the credit union industry for more than 5 years in Michigan and Alabama.
Which office do you work from? Birmingham
What’s your favorite hobby? Anything artsy
Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled to? Asheville, N.C.
Favorite quote? If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.
Pet-peeve? Over-promising and under-delivering.
Which celebrity do you look like? I believe I’m one of a kind!
Greatest accomplishment? Moving to a new state all on my own and starting from the ground up.
Best advice to credit unions for 2021? Let CUACG handle your auditing needs!
Getting to Know TaKeya Robertson

TaKeya Robertson has been a staff auditor for CUACG Team for almost two years. She is a graduate of The University of Alabama with more than five years of experience in accounting.
What’s your favorite hobby? Reading and watching TV
Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled to? Jamaica. I LOVE a nice beach day.
Favorite quote? As of 2020, “When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine!”
Pet-peeve? Dishonesty.
Greatest accomplishment? Graduating from The University of Alabama with a B.S. in Accounting.
Best advice to credit unions for 2021? Even though an audit can be stressful, your auditor(s) are there to assist your credit union stay on the right track. Remember, we are here to help!
Getting to Know KhaTara Lott Evans
KhaTara Lott Evans has been a Staff Auditor for CUACG Team for one year. She is a graduate of Auburn University at Montgomery with more than four years of experience in auditing.

What’s your favorite hobby? Shopping and traveling
Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled to? Jamaica
Favorite quote? Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Pet-peeve? Being late
Which celebrity do you look like? Many people say I favor Gabrielle Union.
Greatest accomplishment? Starting my own business
Best advice to credit unions for 2021? Don’t stress about yesterday. Be grateful for today.
Getting to Know Stephanie Moore

Stephanie Moore is a Senior Auditor for CUACG Team and has been a part of the CUACG Team for 4 years/ 9 months. Stephanie is a proud graduate of the University of Alabama at Birmingham with more than 19 years of experience in Accounting with almost 8 years of experience in auditing.
What’s your favorite hobby? Reading, dancing and singing
Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled to? Paris, France
Favorite quote? I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” ~Robert Frost The Road Less Traveled
Pet-peeve? Slow drivers in the passing lane (I’m not a fast driver; however, if I need to pass a slower driver than myself…why do I always get stuck behind someone driver slower in the passing lane…ugghhh, lol!!)
Which celebrity do you look like? RIP…Whitney Houston (Bodyguard days and prior, lol)
Greatest accomplishment? I have two…Motherhood and obtaining two Degrees.
Best advice to credit unions for 2021? We took 2020 by the horns and 2021 will be just as challenging, but together as a community, who specializes in the business of helping others, should help one another. Share the knowledge of how to increase loans, service to members, investment strategies, and marketing.
The CUACG Team includes:
Senior Auditor Shawna Southerland, Staff Auditor Kaylee Wiley, Ofice Manager and Staff Auditor Amanda Onkst, Staff Auditor Terrell McGrew and part-time auditor Autumn Leavins.