Some key points to ponder about Leadership

Have and Share a Vision Vision is the ability to imagine the organization’s future and inspire others to work toward achieving that future. Learn more about recruiting top talent in the credit union movement from CU Resources. Pursue Excellence Do it right the first time Look for opportunities for improvement, however small Seek new ways […]

Have and Share a Vision

Vision is the ability to imagine the organization’s future and inspire others to work toward achieving that future. Learn more about recruiting top talent in the credit union movement from CU Resources.

Pursue Excellence

  • Do it right the first time
  • Look for opportunities for improvement, however small
  • Seek new ways of doing things
  • Be open to other suggestions
  • Be willing to take risks
  • Solicit feedback from employees, peers, customers/clients

Communicate Effectively – Ingredients to effective leadership communication:

  • Show passion
  • Voice ideas and opinions in a clear, logical, convincing manner
  • Use plain language
  • Make it memorable by sharing a story, personal anecdote or analogy

Be Trustworthy – How to Build Trust

  • Keep your promises
  • Communicate directly and openly
  • Be honest about problems
  • Don’t circulate rumors
  • Praise more than you criticize (at least 3 times more)

How to Trash Trust

  • Blame Others
  • Shoot the messenger
  • Equate mistakes with failure
  • Overextend yourself and your followers so you can’t meet commitments

Build Confidence in Your Employees

  • Pay attention
  • Build on success
  • Celebrate victories, no matter how small
  • Make it safe to fail
  • Don’t compare employees

Be Enthusiastic

  • Others naturally follow
  • People deliver more
  • You create energy, both physical and emotional
  • You become “Contagious”
  • You build a reputation
  • You achieve personal success
  • Serve Others

Listen: We all know how, but how often do we really listen?

  • Respond: That’s how people know they have been heard
  • Ask: Find out what people are thinking and feeling
  • Engage: Take initiative to develop relationships with people
  • Care: When we care about those we lead, we are serving them

Make every day count!  Go out and make it your best yet!! See the full article by Howard Bufe here.

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The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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