Unlocking Opportunities with LendKey

Home Improvement Loans
LendKey’s Home Improvement Loans program offers lenders a unique opportunity to deploy capital and generate strong returns through a nationwide network of vetted contractors. Lenders can either participate or originate, providing flexibility depending on desired risk and appetite. By matching creditworthy borrowers with participating lenders at the point of sale, LendKey’s innovative platform creates a transparent, efficient, and low-cost borrowing option while enabling lenders to diversify their portfolios and optimize capital deployment.

Student Loan Refinancing
LendKey’s Student Loan Refinance program empowers lenders to provide relief to borrowers burdened by high student loan payments, tapping into the $1.7 trillion student debt market. By offering refinancing solutions, lenders can attract younger members and foster long-term relationships, with 63% of borrowers adding products to the financial institution holding the loan. Lenders enjoy flexible options, risk mitigation, compliance support, and enhanced lending capabilities, enabling them to boost returns while addressing the student debt crisis across multiple generations.

Private Student Loans
LendKey’s private student loan program empowers credit unions to attract and retain younger members by offering a crucial financial product in a rapidly growing $130 billion market. Private student loans provide credit unions with a unique opportunity to establish long-term relationships with borrowers, as 66% of these customers add more products and 40% eventually take out mortgages or home equity loans. With private student loans, credit unions can diversify their asset base, appeal to a younger demographic, and potentially generate significant additional revenue, with a 100-borrower pool adding an estimated $650,000 to the bottom line.

Partner with LEVERAGE and LendKey to unlock new lending opportunities, participate in long-term products with solid returns and build stickier relationships with your members. Visit https://myleverage.com/solutions/lendkey.php or contact a LEVERAGE Business Development Consultant at consult@myleverage.com.

Written by
Lizeth George
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About Us

The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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