Hipster businessman showing concept of online business security on virtual screen

Is Your Credit Union Safe? Secure? Join Us at SCUCE to Learn More from Experts

The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates (LSCU) are hard at work to make sure this year’s Southeast Credit Union Conference and Expo (SCUCE) is one for the books!

This year, attendees will have the chance to learn from safety and security experts to teach credit unions what they need to know.

Jim Soenksen, CEO, Pivot Group LLC will be taking the lead during this workshop: CYBERSECURITY: The Best Controls to Protect Your Members Information Has (or Will) the Pandemic Continue to Change the Threat Landscape? COVID-19 changed the cybersecurity threat landscape and the most effective ways credit unions should be protecting your member’s information. During the workshop, Soenksen will look at how the threat landscape has changed during this pandemic and how cybersecurity best practices have/should change as well. Attendees will have a look at what the rest of the year has in store to examine and adjust current cybersecurity controls to meet the predicted upcoming threat landscape.

Also, Chris Gill, Senior Manager, Risk & Compliance Solutions, CUNA Mutual Group will be featured during another workshop, Preparing for the Unknowns of Employee Safety & Wellness. All credit unions are responsible for protecting employees, members, and visitors. This is done by taking measures to detect potential incidents and mitigate the consequences. As every credit union is in a different situation, this becomes even more challenging. Ane there could be many potential incidents including an active shooter, slip & falls, workplace ergonomics, special events – and more. During this workshop, you’ll learn how to identify and reduce the risks.  This session will highlight some of the marketplace realities, changes and obstacles that are requiring your operational strategies and protection to be adjusted.

We are looking forward to seeing all of you. Register today!

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Written by
Ann Naiman
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The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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