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LSCU & Affiliates Liaisons: Your credit union’s doorway to the League

Have a question about how the LSCU & Affiliates can help your credit union? Unsure of what resources are available to your credit union through the League? That sounds like a job for your friendly LSCU & Affiliates Liaison!

As a benefit of membership, each affiliated credit union has been assigned a liaison — an employee at the League to serve as the point of contact for your credit union. It’s your liaison’s job to listen to your feedback, answer your questions and suggest suitable solutions for your credit union.

LSCU & Affiliates Member Engagement Consultants serve as liaisons for all credit unions with less than $50 million in assets. Credit unions fitting that criteria in Alabama should rely on Alisha Stair, while Judy Scott will serve as a liaison for those in Florida and Arno Quon for those in Georgia. Credit unions from all three states with more than $50 million in assets have been assigned an LSCU & Affiliates team member to serve as their liaison.

Your LSCU Liaison will reach out to you at least twice a year to schedule in-person visits — and you may also hear from them about certain league initiatives as they arise. Visits with liaisons are your time to communicate directly with the League. Jordan Burroughs, vice president of member relations and cooperative initiatives at LSCU, recommends credit unions remain as open as possible with their liaisons.

“Your liaison is meant to serve as your doorway into the League,” Jordan said. “Take advantage of your time with them to really dig into the ways LSCU & Affiliates can help your credit union move forward. We welcome all feedback, questions and suggestions — and we hope you enjoy a close relationship with your liaison.”

If you haven’t heard from your liaison, yet, don’t worry! You will soon. Keep in mind that liaison assignments may have changed in the last year. If you’re part of a credit union with more than $50 million in assets and you’d like to know the name of your assigned LSCU & Affiliates liaison, feel free to reach out to Jordan at

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About Us

The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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