YP Think Tank covers broad range of topics for professional development

Approximately 70 credit union young professionals (YPs) gathered in Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 16, for their annual conference, the YP Think Tank. Sponsored by Corporate America and hosted by Community First CU of Florida, the day included professional development sessions on topics such as defining your personal brand, data analytics, diversity and inclusion, culture and credit […]

Think Tank large groupApproximately 70 credit union young professionals (YPs) gathered in Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 16, for their annual conference, the YP Think Tank. Sponsored by Corporate America and hosted by Community First CU of Florida, the day included professional development sessions on topics such as defining your personal brand, data analytics, diversity and inclusion, culture and credit union advocacy. The conference also included time for attendees to network and exchange ideas to bring back to their credit unions and local young professional group (YPG) chapters.

“Think Tank 2019 was a huge success! Community First Credit Union provided an amazing space, and we are so grateful for their hospitality. Our speakers were thought provoking and very informative. This event is an amazing opportunity for like-minded emerging credit union leaders to engage with each other and move the cooperative movement forward,” said Jamie Affeld of Fairwinds CU, president of the LSCU YP Coordinating Council.

Think Tank meetingThe event also provided opportunities for the YPs to give back. The YP-led FedPAC pin sale raised a total of $950 to benefit credit union advocacy, and each attendee brought supplies to participate in the Salvation Army’s Stuff-A-Stocking program. YPs stuffed more than 30 stockings with toys, games and personal hygiene items for deserving children this holiday season.

“I’m thrilled with the turnout of the 2019 YP Think Tank. We had participation from all three states in our LSCU footprint. Based on the interaction and insight I saw at our event, I’m excited for the future of the YPG and our credit union movement,” said LSCU’s Vice President of Member Engagement Jordan Burroughs.

For more information about the LSCU Young Professionals Group, click here.

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The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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