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CUNA Messaging Guide 2020 provides pandemic messaging assistance

The Credit Union National Association recently released its 2020 Messaging Guide — complete with guidance on messaging to members about COVID-19.

“This Messaging Guide prepared for the Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union campaign contains some strong fundamental information about communicating the advantages of credit unions,” according to the guide’s introduction. “This supplemental information, specific to the COVID-19 crisis and the current economic times, helps unify the credit union voice in this crisis.”

The COVID-19 supplement is meant to help guide credit unions toward becoming reassuring and reliable sources of information for members and communities during the pandemic. The supplement touches on ways credit unions can communicate to members that: the credit union is safe; the credit union is open; the credit union is looking out for them; and that their money is safe in the credit union.

“These are the series of messages you can include in your local work to be that voice of leadership when consumers need it the most,” according to the guide.

Besides the COVID-19 supplement, CUNA’s Messaging Guide 2020 also includes research about general messaging opportunities credit unions have and strengths they should leverage. The guide also lays out the appropriate tone of voice for communications from credit unions as well as some important “dos” and “don’ts” of messaging.

“By aligning what we say and how we say it, we can simplify our messaging and make credit unions more accessible for consumers,” according to the guide.

The Messaging Guide 2020 is accessible to credit unions in CUNA’s online COVID-19 Response Center. Additional resources for messaging to credit unions throughout the pandemic can also be found on LSCU’s Coronavirus Resource Center for Credit Unions. 


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The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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