FBI operation targets cyberattack for hire schemes

According to cybercrime expert Brian Krebs, “Federal investigators in the United States and Europe last week arrested nearly three-dozen people suspected of patronizing so-called ‘booter’ services that can be hired to knock targeted Web sites offline. The global crackdown is part of an effort by authorities to weaken demand for these services by impressing upon […]

According to cybercrime expert Brian Krebs, “Federal investigators in the United States and Europe last week arrested nearly three-dozen people suspected of patronizing so-called ‘booter’ services that can be hired to knock targeted Web sites offline. The global crackdown is part of an effort by authorities to weaken demand for these services by impressing upon customers that hiring someone to launch cyberattacks on your behalf can land you in jail.”
On Dec. 9, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested Sean Sharma, a student at the University of California accused of using a booter service to knock a San Francisco chat service company’s Web site offline.
Sharma was one of almost three dozen others across 13 countries who were arrested on suspicion of paying for cyberattacks. As part of a coordinated law enforcement effort dubbed “Operation Tarpit,” investigators in the U.S. and internationally executed more than 100 so-called “knock-and-talk” interviews with booter buyers who were quizzed about their involvement but not formally charged with crimes. For details, read the full article on Krebs on Security.
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