SBA releases detailed data about loans made under PPP

Last week, the U.S. Small Business Administration, in consultation with the Treasury Department, released detailed loan-level data regarding the loans made under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).  The disclosure covers each of the 4.9 million PPP loans that have been made.

The data shows that small businesses of all types and across all industries benefited from this unprecedented program. Information includes loan-level data, including business names, addresses, NAICS codes, zip codes, business type, demographic data, non-profit information, name of the lender, jobs supported, and loan amount ranges as follows:

  • $150,000-350,000
  • $350,000-1 million
  • $1-2 million
  • $2-5 million
  • $5-10 million

These categories account for nearly 75 percent of the loan dollars approved. For all loans below $150,000, SBA is releasing all of the above information except for business names and addresses.

The data release also includes overall statistics regarding dollars lent per state, loan amounts, top lenders, and distribution by industry.  The loans have reached diverse communities proportionally, across all income levels and demographics.

In addition, the data provides information regarding the sizes of participating lenders and participation by community development financial institutions, minority depository institutions, Farm Credit System institutions, fintechs, and other non-banks and other types of lenders. It further contains data showing the reach of the program in underserved communities, rural communities, historically underutilized business zones (HUBZones), and participation by religious, grantmaking, civil, professional, and other similar organizations.

View the data here.

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