By Gerry Singleton, Vice President CU System Relations for CUNA Mutual Group Having solid systems in place is core to any successful business. Equally important is the constant support these systems receive to stay up-to-date, agile, collaborative...
This is your last week to nominate your favorite professionals, volunteers, and credit unions that have made outstanding contributions to the development and growth of the credit union movement throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia for the League...
The League of Southeast Credit Unions (LSCU) is excited to announce that registration is now open for the first-ever Vision Conference, a re-imagination of legacy events (former SLDC and Idea Institute). This new event focuses on the future with a...
The Southeastern Credit Union Foundation (SECUF) is thrilled to host the annual CUs on Tap events in Florida, presented by Corporate One Federal Credit Union. This event creates opportunities to make countless connections among credit union leaders...
The 2023 Sponsorship Kit is available for your company to view and choose sponsorship options for the League of Southeastern Credit Unions (LSCU) Events. Don’t miss out on getting your company brand recognized at events like the Southeast Credit...
Commons Cents, the League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates (LSCU & Affiliates) Podcast, has just released another episode. In this month’s edition, LSCU Podcast Host Mike Miller sits down with the LSCU Education & Training Team...