With the support of LSCU’s fearless advocacy team and our allies in the Florida legislature, legislation empowering credit unions to qualify as public depositories for certain funds was passed and is awaiting Governor Ron DeSantis’ signature. LSCU...
Register today for the second annual VISION Conference scheduled for August 7 – 9, in Miramar Beach, Florida! This event focuses on the future with a bold look at technology, TED Talk-style presentations, credit union idea sharing, and a more...
Join the League of Southeastern Credit Unions’ (LSCU) Council Program to take advantage of two upcoming council meetings. LSCU Council meetings are held virtually via Zoom, and, once you join a council, you will receive the meeting information in a...
Take advantage of an on-demand, complimentary 30-minute webinar on data privacy, hosted by Credit Union Webinar Network. Data privacy laws and regulations are being put in place around the world, yet very few in the financial industry have taken any...
Make sure to book your hotel room for the Young Professionals Think Tank before Thursday, April 4, to take advantage of the group rate of $249 per night. Young Professionals Think Tank takes place from April 26 – 27, 2024, in Birmingham, Alabama...
Have you registered for the Southeast Credit Union Conference and Expo (SCUCE) 2024 yet? If not, you’ll want to register now so you get the chance to experience the exciting lineup of breakout speakers we have in store. This is just a taste of...