Corporate One Federal Credit Union, the League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates (LSCU), and the Mississippi Credit Union Association (MSCUA) have joined forces to award scholarships to three credit union professionals to attend the...
Member-owned credit unions in Alabama and Florida have continued to experience growth in the first quarter of 2017 as evidenced in Call Report data. First quarter numbers at a glance for Alabama: Average assets per credit union are $192.1 million...
As a part of the Community Development Loan Fund, the NCUA Office of Small Credit Union Initiatives is offering a Digital Services and Security grant of up to $7,500 for low-income designated (LID) credit unions to assist with improving digital...
A new proposal by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau would increase reporting requirements for banks and credit unions on home equity lines of credit to 500 loans through calendar years 2018 and 2019 so that the bureau can consider whether to...
“Insert skimmers” are becoming an ever-growing threat to credit unions, and the technology in these devices is keeping pace with changing times. The ultra-thin fraud devices are made to fit snugly and invisibly inside a cash machine’s card...
Last night, House Financial Services and General Government approved its 2018 budget, but both of the credit union amendments were offered and then withdrawn at the request of the sponsor. At the marathon markup, which lasted until 11:40 p.m., Rep...