About one-third expect to still have loan payments when their children leave for college, and they don’t want their children to inherit similarly poor financial fortunes. For this reason, 90 percent said they plan to pay at least part of their...
CO-OP Financial Services has acquired TMG and restructured its leadership team to deliver payments products and engagement services addressing today’s transformational market dynamics and make credit unions the most desirable financial providers to...
For credit unions supporting the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFIF), it’s time to take action to protect the program. The federal government is operating under a continuing resolution that expires on April 28, and President...
Today, Kevin S. Miller takes over as president/CEO of CFE Federal Credit Union, succeeding Joseph A. Melbourne Jr. as he officially retires. Miller had served as executive vice president, chief administrative officer, and general counsel for CFE...
The Florida Advocacy Conference concluded yesterday with a flurry of information, activity, and real time updates on credit union related legislation. Highlights from the day included a session with CUNA’s Trey Hawkins who provided an update on the...
The Florida Advocacy Conference kicked off yesterday featuring opening remarks from Patrick La Pine, President/CEO of the LSCU. After a statewide update from the League’s Advocacy Team, CUNA Mutual Group sponsored the Political Action Committee...