Tomorrow, the Florida Senate Banking and Insurance Committee will hear SB 1170 by Sen. Travis Hutson (R-Palm Coast), which will allow credit unions to become qualified public depositories.This bill is an LSCU member-identified priority that would...
Results from a study by consulting firm Simon-Kucher & Partners, “Monetizing Digital Banking Products for Small Business Customers,” indicate digital banking offers big benefits to small business that are often receiving the services for free...
NCUA sources tell the LSCU that its Board will consider a proposed rule in April that grants credit unions new rights in an appeal. In the current process, credit unions are very restricted in their ability to bring in outside expertise such as...
The Board of the Alabama Credit Union Administration recently approved a series of changes to the regulations applicable to state-chartered credit unions. The regulatory changes include relaxed constraints on Credit Union Service Organizations...
Florida legislative session begins today. The Senate will convene at 9:30 a.m. ET while the House will go into session at 10 a.m. ET At 11 a.m. ET, Gov. Scott will deliver the “State of the State” address during the Joint Session in the House...
CO-OP Financial Services and FCTI, Inc. announced that the two companies have reached an agreement ensuring that approximately 8,000 ATMs located in 7-Eleven stores nationwide will continue to be a part of the CO-OP ATM network. In July 2015, 7...