CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle is named top lobbyist for associations by The Hill. Nussle has appeared on The Hill’s annual list naming the top lobbyists in Washington D.C. for three consecutive years. The Hill’s list of top lobbyists is...
According to League sources, two GOP members of Congress, Rep. Jeff Flake and Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, wrote a letter to the NCUA in mid-October about policies affecting how credit unions may serve certain members and businesses. This relates...
CUNA Mutual Group’s most recent report in October for August 2016 data showed positive trends in many areas for credit unions. During August, credit unions picked-up 526,000 in new memberships; loan balances grew at a 10.2 percent annualized pace;...
While cybersecurity is at the forefront of credit union concerns these days, it isn’t often that the threat is associated with company culture. But a new report about security and employees cautions that if internal measures are focused more on...
Now that the number of millennial consumers in the market outnumbers Baby Boomers – 83 million according to U.S. Census data – credit unions know it is time to get serious about reaching this audience. One positive characteristic of this...
In the coming days, credit unions should receive the LSCU & Affiliates 2017 affiliation brochure and dues invoice. The League is pleased to announce that for the eighth consecutive year, LSCU & Affiliates will not have a percentage-based...