Congratulations to the LSCU winners of the 2016 CUNA awards. These awards are given to credit unions that have exhibited the credit union spirit through internal and external programs. The award categories include the Dora Maxwell Social...
In only a few months’ time, awareness of Apple Pay has increased 15 percent among users owning compatible devices. During the same time period, awareness in Android users for Android Pay jumped nearly 20 percent research collected by First Annapolis...
The Independent Community Bankers of America filed suit in federal court yesterday, challenging the NCUA’s new MBL rules, contending that the regulations allow credit unions to exceed limitations on business loans that were established by Congress...
The Department of Defense (DOD) issued a final rule in July 2015 to amend the regulation that implements the Military Lending Act (MLA). Credit unions must comply with the rule for closed-end and open-end consumer credit other than credit card...
The Alabama Senate passed a resolution this week establishing a 14-member task force to discuss budget reforms. The task force will consist of seven senators and seven members of the House of Representatives and will begin meeting no later than Sept...
According to a National Credit Union Administration report yesterday, the credit union system performed solidly in the second quarter with loans rising at a double-digit pace over the year with growth in every major category. New auto loans rose 15...