On Friday evening, a jury in Lee County, AL, convicted Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard (R – Auburn) on 12 of 23 felony counts stemming from charges that he misused his office for personal gain. As part of the conviction, he has been removed...
Yesterday, LSCU learned the House Appropriations Committee approved a bipartisan amendment to the Financial Services Appropriation that would postpone the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s payday lending proposal by a 30-18 vote, with most...
Today, the House Appropriations Committee will mark up the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations bill. The report to accompany the bill was released yesterday, and it includes several statements advancing credit unions’ concerns...
Yesterday, speaking to the Economic Club of New York, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) revealed his Financial CHOICE Act to oust the Dodd-Frank Act. He called Dodd-Frank “a grave mistake Washington foisted upon...
With the ever-changing face of technology, one never knows just what will be the next big thing for the financial world. Credit unions should keep blockchain on their radar, says a CUNA blogger, who points out emphatically that this is not Bitcoin...
The LSCU Cooperative Image Campaign, one of the most successful cooperative advertising campaigns ever presented by a League, has launched a new campaign under its “Better Name for Banking” umbrella. This time, a group of goats — presumed to be...