Credit union organizations can now apply for a Biz Kid$ Financial Education Grant from the National Credit Union Foundation (the Foundation) through March 31. The Foundation is looking to distribute up to $75,000 in grant funds to credit union organizations as part of this effort.
The application can be found here.
“We are honored to offer these Biz Kid$ grants as they provide an amazing opportunity for credit unions to make an impact in their communities,” said Danielle Brown, the Foundation’s Director of Development & Donor Relations. “Each year we offer these grants, credit union organizations get more creative with how they implement the Biz Kid$ program. I cannot wait to see what the future grantees come up with this year to improve youth financial literacy.”
Some examples of grantees include:
- North Star Community Credit Union using Biz Kid$ in their Seeds-2-$ave Program to assist students in the learning of supply, demand, and entrepreneurship for their produce business.
- American Heritage FCU hosting 500 students at their main branch for education on credit unions and used Biz Kid$ to teach lessons in financial education.
- BayPort Credit Union creating an Early Entrepreneurship Club to encourage middle-school aged students to create their own business, using concepts learned through the Biz Kid$ program.
What the Grants Fund
Biz Kid$ Financial Education Grants may be used to fund innovative programs that improve the financial education of youth through the use of the Biz Kid$ program. Projects may engage teachers, students, education leaders, local PBS stations, or community stakeholders through events, activities, and/or curriculum distribution. Each project should create innovative and engaging activities incorporating Biz Kid$ materials. Funds may not be used as a cash donation to a third party.
Grants Aligned with Biz Kid$
Biz Kid$ is a financial literacy initiative launched nationally in January 2008 that teaches kids about money and business. The initiative includes an award-winning TV series, free classroom curriculum, outreach activities, and a website ( targeting children 9 – 16 years old. The number one goal of the Biz Kid$ financial literacy initiative is to teach kids from upper elementary through high school to understand and incorporate the skills they need to successfully manage their financial lives. One goal of the Foundation’s Biz Kid$ Financial Education Grants is to extend the reach of the series beyond broadcast into the community. For more information about Biz Kid$, click here.
Questions about Biz Kid$ or the grant process can be directed to Danielle Brown at (608) 556-2406 or via email at