A group of friends are sitting at a table in their classroom. They are reading a book together as they smile and laugh.

‘Books make cent$’ connects CUs with kids through SECUF

Could your credit union benefit from a unique way to engage young members or potential members? A “Books make cent$” program may be the best way to spread the word. Juli Lewis, director of the Southeastern Credit Union Foundation says, “Join us as we kick off a very special reading program where we pair money-related books with suggested activities for optimal student engagement, credit union awareness and, of course, lots of fun. We will even include ready-made lesson plans with each book set!”

Credit unions can order a set of one title at a time or order multiple titles and even have the option of adding their logo to the front of each book.

Juli shares some great ways to use the books to connect with kids:

  • Order some now and present to youth groups or classrooms in April to celebrate Financial Literacy Month!
  • Keep a supply in your branches and give one as a special gift for new kid accounts, for birthdays or as a reward for good grades!
  • Hold a special family workshop in your branch or in a local youth agency … libraries love to schedule the workshops, too, and the book is a great gift for the kids to take home!
  • Order a supply for a classroom in the schools that you work with. What a great gift for each child to be able to take one home and share with their families!
  • Order a supply for a Title 1 school or youth agency in your area. You can impact the children with the greatest need and the least ability to have that need met!


“Each book contains a special bound page, right behind the front cover, explaining the credit union difference, the importance of having a savings account and a link to find their local credit union,” says Juli.

Check out the program and its first three featured books by clicking here or contact Juli.Lewis@lscu.coop for more details.

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The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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