Take care of yourself. Healthy lifestyle, security, retirement and finances concept. Wooden clips with heart and note on wooden table

Free videos available for LSCU-affiliated credit unions to reach out to members

In collaboration with CU Solutions Group, the credit union service organization of the Michigan Credit Union League (MCUL), the LSCU offers our member credit unions in Alabama, Florida and Georgia four videos for your use, free of charge. Because of our longstanding partnership, the Michigan League has graciously agreed to share them with LSCU’s member CUs as a value of affiliation.

Please see the turn-key videos accessible with the Google link. These videos were created to be used on your social media platforms and websites.

The intention for the videos is multifaceted:

  • To be used as the nation and world combat COVID-19.
  • To confirm the confidence of current credit union members that their money is safe in their CUs.
  • To entice non-members to consider credit unions.

In their current form, the videos are branded without a logo and do not have specific information for a website. If you would like to have the videos branded for your credit union, our marketing agency, Growth by Design, can edit the videos with a specific logo and website address for a minimal fee. Please contact Ann.Howard@lscu.coop for more information. If you would prefer to edit the videos with your logo and information, you have permission to do so by both LSCU and MCUL.

There are four videos for use, as is.

  1. COVID-19 Response – This is a message to your current credit union members. It can be used on your social media platforms but works best on your website. It ends with a written message. Download the video here.  Run-time 1:04
  1. COVID-19 Response II –This is the same as COVID-19 Response but without the written message at the end. Download the video here.  Run-time 1:03
  1. Open and Ready – This is meant for non-members to join a credit union. Download the video here.  Run-time :16 seconds
  1. Security and Partners – This is meant for non-members to join a credit union. Download the video here.  Run-time :16 seconds

We hope you make great use of these high-quality videos. We can’t predict when the curve will officially be flattened, but now is the time to thank our current members and explain why credit unions continue to help keep our money safe and the economy moving during these uncertain times.

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About Us

The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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