Here’s your chance to make an impact for credit unions

Are you ready to take action? You can make a personal impact on a lawmaker by attending the LSCU’s 2019 Florida Advocacy Conference and Alabama Advocacy Conference. It’s an important time to consider what’s happening in our states, as session in both Alabama and Florida begins March 5, and legislators will be hard at work. The State Advocacy Conferences feature […]

Are you ready to take action? You can make a personal impact on a lawmaker by attending the LSCU’s 2019 Florida Advocacy Conference and Alabama Advocacy Conference. It’s an important time to consider what’s happening in our states, as session in both Alabama and Florida begins March 5, and legislators will be hard at work.

The State Advocacy Conferences feature time to interact with state lawmakers, updates on legislative and regulatory issues, and speakers. The Alabama conference is March 19-20 in Montgomery, AL, and the Florida conference is March 26-27 in Tallahassee, FL.

Credit union professionals in Alabama and Florida are speaking up about why these conferences are important to attend annually. They present an opportunity for credit union leaders to gather and learn about the most pressing issues facing credit unions in their states, as well as time to interact with state lawmakers.

“The state advocacy conference is one of the most important events of the year for Florida credit unions, and one I’m not willing to miss,” said Brent Lister, CEO of First Florida Credit Union. “As leaders in our industry, it is incumbent upon us to show up in Tallahassee and share our story on behalf of the members we serve. Grassroots efforts are the key to our legislative success, and the advocacy conference is a great way spread our message on a larger scale while building lasting relationships with policymakers.”

Learn more about what other credit union leaders are saying about the conferences in Alabama and FloridaReserve your spot today.

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The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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