Remit Your CU4KIDS 2021 Funds Now

If you have not already done so, please send in your 2021 Credit Unions for Kids fundraising dollars as soon as possible. Simply submit the reporting form here with your fundraising check.

Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Hospitals requests credit unions send their funds directly to the CMN Hospitals’ Corporate Accounting Department where an accounting team carefully reviews the form you send with your check, notes that the funds came from your credit union, and records the type of fundraiser(s) held. Every single dollar submitted will be returned to your local hospital from the corporate office on a quarterly basis along with a detailed report of the credit unions who submitted the funds. If you prefer, you can also mail checks directly to your local children’s hospital.

Funds must arrive on or before January 7, 2022 to count towards 2021 fundraising totals.

If you have questions about fund remittance, please do not hesitate to contact Nick Coleman, CU4Kids Director, CMN Hospitals at

Written by
Lizeth George
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