Shot of a young woman using a laptop while working from home

Tips to stay on track while working remotely

As more people are working remotely to practice social distancing or to comply with city, county or state stay-at-home mandates, LSCU asked our LSCU team members who work remotely all year for their best practices and tips for working from home.

  1. Plan out tasks for the day. Then, enjoy the satisfaction of marking though your list.
  2. Get up, and get ready for the day just as if you were in an office.
  3. Change out of the PJs!  You want your mind and body to realize you are dressed to work, not for bed.
  4. Find a place in your home where you can work away from distractions.  The dishes, laundry and other things can wait.
  5. Set ground rules for anyone else in your home. Explain that while you are home, you’re also working.  This may mean making your office space off limits.
  6. Find an area with sunlight. It’s proven that sunlight can brighten someone’s day and motivate them.
  7. Not only is OK to take breaks: you must! If you are in an office, you may take breaks to grab coffee or walk to someone’s office. Try to get up every two hours and walk around, or maybe grab a snack.
  8. Take your lunch break.
  9. Over-communicate with your team. Working remotely can make some feel like they aren’t in the loop. Take control of this, and make sure you stay in touch with your team and up to date.
  10. Stick to normal work hours. It’s easy to not work your full day, but remember, the work is still going to be there whether you do it or not. Get the job you are being trusted to do completed each day.
  11. Stick to the normal work hours. (Déjà vu?) It is easy to work past your normal work hours. Make sure to stop for the day around the same time every day (barring a work emergency or planned event).
  12. Take advantage of the perks of working from home. For example, want to throw dinner in the oven? Go for it. Take a 15-minute break; get dinner going; and hop back on the computer.
  13. Use technology to the fullest. These days we can tele/video conference in the place of face-to-face meetings.
  14. Most of all, stay positive. Your boss is trusting you to be self-efficient and do a great job outside of the office.

Working from home can be easily done.  It just takes discipline and a little bit of creativity.

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