The people helping people philosophy is clearly at work in a new pilot program, the Minority Depository Institution (MDI) Mentoring Pilot, offered by the NCUA. The program provides opportunity for strong and experienced credit unions to provide...
This year marks the 10-year anniversary of the virtual Discovery Conference where innovation experts, industry thought leaders, and credit union executives come together for a full-day experience. The sole purpose of the conference? Helping credit...
By Ron Jennings, Executive Vice President, John M. Floyd & Associates As technology, regulations and consumer preferences continue to morph at a rapid speed, it’s essential for your service offerings to keep pace. Does your overdraft program...
Shortly after Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell cut interest rates by a quarter of a point, the U.S. dollar reached its highest level in more than two years. The announcement of the cut comes just days after the Department of Commerce’s Bureau...
If you plan to attend Georgia Credit Union Idea Institute 14, Aug. 26-28, and haven’t reserved your room yet, you need to ACT NOW! The room block at the Westin Poinsett Hotel in Greenville, SC, closes on Monday, Aug. 5, so you only have a few...
There is still time to register for the 51st annual SCUMA Conference at the Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa in Miramar Beach, FL, from Aug. 21-23. Prepare to hear top-rated speakers, learn about trending credit union topics, and network...
Information about how NCUA examines for liquidity and interest-rate risks will be covered in an Aug. 14 webinar hosted by the agency. Registration is open for the webinar, “Liquidity and Interest-Rate Risk Management,”which will begin at 2 p.m. ET...
CU Solutions Group (CUSG), Sprint’s largest affinity partner for more than a decade, is expressing optimism about a recent announcement from T-Mobile and Sprint confirming approval from the Department of Justice of the merger of the wireless...
The 2019 Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday runs Friday, Aug. 2 through Tuesday, Aug. 6, offering consumers a break on back-to-school supplies and more. The holiday was passed by the Florida Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis. During...
Credit union professionals from across the globe helped World Council of Credit Unions and the Credit Union National Association pick the theme for International Credit Union Day 2019, which is planned for Thursday, Oct. 17. WOCCU and CUNA sent...