Student loans are a necessary part of getting most college students across the divide from a high school diploma to a bachelor’s or master’s degree to prepare them for the workforce. EVERFI, sponsored by AIG, surveyed a nationally...
The NCUA’s Office of Credit Union Resources and Expansion (CURE) will offer more resources for credit unions to identify low-income areas they might serve and to assist people organizing credit unions with the chartering process. The NCUA has a new...
By Alisha Stair LSCU Member Relations Consultant Young Professionals face the challenge of earning the respect of their more seasoned colleagues and overcoming millennial stereotypes. Lazy, uninspired, and lacking commitment… just to name a few...
As we prepare for the LSCU & Affiliates’ biggest credit union event of the year with SCUCE in Orlando this month, the League has taken steps to ensure that all attendees, staff, vendors, etc., conduct themselves in a professional manner, which...
An update to the Alabama Credit Union Act, championed by the League of Southeastern Credit Unions and receiving overwhelming support in both legislative chambers, was passed on May 2 and signed into law shortly after. The updated law includes five...
Avadian celebrates second annual Impact Week by serving nonprofits and sharing gift cards in communities Orange-clad employees of Avadian Credit Union spent the week of April 28 bringing delight to people around the state. Armed with gift cards...
The Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta and Alabama Housing Finance Authority are seeking structured partnerships for a new Community Heroes grant funding initiative. The program seeks to keep first responders and educators in local communities by...
MidFlorida Credit Union in Lakeland, FL, is buying Community Bank & Trust of Florida in Ocala, FL, making it the largest community bank purchased by a credit union. MidFlorida is expanding its footprint even further with the acquisition of the...
Commercial banks and savings institutions insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) reported aggregate net income of $60.7 billion in first quarter of 2019, up $4.9 billion (8.7 percent) from a year earlier. The increase in net...
Timothy Alexander knows what it takes to beat the odds. No matter what obstacle comes his way, he’s determined to never quit. As a senior at E.B. Erwin High School in 2006, Timothy was one of the state’s top-ranked football players. However...