CUNA is asking for your help to quantify how many loans, loan extensions, skip-a-payment waivers, and other financial solutions credit unions were able to extend during the shutdown, how extensive a financial benefit these were, and where we saw the...
Continually empower resource sucking channels without parallel niche markets. Collaboratively reintermediate clicks-and-mortar leadership rather than standards compliant models. Dramatically synthesize web-enabled results via client-centric...
Both the House and Senate are in session this week. President Trump and Congressional leaders agreed Friday to a deal to reopen the federal government through Feb 15. However, the Congress will have to commit to further negotiations with the...
One highlight from this week’s InfoSight newsletter, focuses on the announcement from CFPB Director Kathy Kraninger that the CFPB has submitted a legislative proposal to Congress to grant the bureau clear non-exclusive authority to supervise...
The LSCU’s final 2018 political action fundraising (PAC) numbers are in, and the results are strong with both Alabama and Florida exceeding their PAC fundraising goals. Alabama’s FedPAC accrued $71,945, and the Alabama ACULAC (state PAC), which...
It’s not when if a data breach might happen but when it seems. How prepared is your credit union? LEVERAGE offers cybersecurity solutions to help product your credit union. Click here for details. Last week, news was posted that more than 24...
Calling YPs! Want to attend the CUNA Marketing & Business Development Council Conference this year? Check out this opportunity to Crash the conference in Las Vegas, March 20-23! The Crash program is a dynamic experience designed for young...
President Trump agreed Friday that he will support a short-term funding bill to reopen the government that does not include funds to construct the wall that has caused the divisive party line standoff and more than a month long government shutdown...
Credit Union National Association sent a letter to House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters in response to her recent call on financial institutions to assist those affected by the federal government shutdown. America’s credit...
Author Kelly Flynn, National Director, John M. Floyd & Associates Many community credit unions and banks continue to struggle with how to improve their bottom line without taking dramatic cost-cutting measures. Instead of playing defense by...