This week, the House and Senate are out of session due to the holiday, but they will return on July 9. Last week, CUNA wrote to Senators McCain, Reed, Inhofe and Representative Thornberry, and Smith to oppose a provision in the House version of H.R...
New warranty and indemnity rights, liabilities and obligations to Regulation CC could impose greater risks for credit unions. The final rule creates a new Remote Deposit Capture Indemnity in Section 229.34(f) to address the allocation of liability...
CUNA Mutual Group will hold its ninth annual, day-long Discovery Conference on Aug. 16. The conference brings together innovation experts and credit union leaders to help credit unions prepare for upcoming 2019 strategic planning sessions. The...
Share insurance is a fundamental part of the nation’s credit union system, and credit union professionals can learn more about how it works on two upcoming webinars hosted by the National Credit Union Administration. The first, “Looking for a CURE...
On Friday at America’s Credit Union Conference, CUNA President and CEO Jim Nussle announced a big goal. Over the next three years, CUNA intends to raise $100 million to fund and sustain a modern, research-driven national credit union awareness...
First Commerce CU holds grand opening for newly remodeled office First Commerce Credit Union celebrated the grand re-opening of its new and improved Blairstone Financial Center, the oldest of its 12 offices, on June 21. The festivities included a...
The LSCU has written a letter to its Alabama and Florida delegation members who sit on both the House and Senate Armed Forces Committees. The letter is in opposition to a provision in the House version of the National Defense Authorization Act (H.R...
Brooke Smedley has taken office as president/CEO of NRS Community Development Federal Credit Union, headquartered in Birmingham, AL, succeeding Eunice Rogers, who retired. “As a single mother of twin daughters and a native of Birmingham...
The National Credit Union Foundation (the Foundation) is looking for credit unions to submit proposals to work with the Center for Financial Services Innovation (CFSI) to develop financial health-related key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure...
Two lawsuits filed against credit unions in Alabama and Ohio whose websites allegedly violated the Americans with Disabilities Act were both dismissed this week by District Court judges in each state. These cases follow similar dismissals by...