Author - Ann Naiman

Higher Overdraft Fees Can Decrease Revenue

Providing value and awareness to more members increases results  Emerging from the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, credit unions are focused on how to recover revenue lost to a decline in transaction volume and non-interest income sources. But...

Early bird pricing for SCUCE…just mere HOURS left….

The decision was made to extend the early bird cost for the Southeast Credit Union Conference and Expo just for you! But the deadline is right around the corner: Friday, April 30, 2021, is your last day to lock in this deal! You can learn more about...

Alabama’s 2021 Legislative Reception

Following the successful 2021 Virtual Advocacy Conference in Alabama on Monday, last night credit union leaders and staff were joined by Alabama state lawmakers and officials to network and celebrate a great 2021 Alabama Legislative Session. While...

CUNA Awards Nominations Opening this Wednesday

Now that the LSCU Awards nominations have closed and we’ll learn who won at this year’s Southeast Credit Union Conference and Expo, LSCU is honored and excited to assist CUNA during the next award season for the CUNA Awards. Nominations...

Interested in being a Sponsor for SCUCE? We Can Help!

While attendees are registering every day for the Southeast Credit Union Conference and Expo (SCUCE), there are a few sponsorship spots still available. But, they will be gone soon! If you need to get your name and brand in front of southeastern...

2021 Virtual Alabama Advocacy Conference Wrap-Up

The 2021 Virtual Alabama Advocacy Conference is now officially in the history books as a success! At the heart of the Alabama Advocacy Conference is building relationships with lawmakers and yesterday’s conference was no exception. The day...

About Us

The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications.

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